Without including future liability financial hardships, there is an annual estimate of property value loss exceeding $10 million in Georgia due to weather damage. In fact, every year thousands of shade and street trees are claimed from strong winds, heavy ice, and intense lightning storms. Georgia endures 50 – 70 thunderstorms per year on average and with each individual storm, there is extensive tree damage that is left behind its path. The rare, specimen, and historic trees are not spared, even for those who diligently plan their landscaping around these prized and valuable trees. Major aesthetic, financial and social losses are often the result of these storms. In order to help the locals of Greater Sylvania, GA minimize storm damaged trees and help you be more aware, we at A Plus Tree Service would like to provide some basic information and tips concerning storm tree damage prevention.
Broken Tree Trunk, Leaning Trees After Storm & More
Storm tree damage is inflicted in several ways, the primary types are branch failure, blow-over, crown twist, lightning damage, root failure, and stem failure. Each of these types of storm damage brings a mixture of complex problems for your trees. Besides complete enclosure, protecting trees from all storm damage is impossible, however, with the following tips below, you can minimize the damage significantly, particularly from extreme high winds.
Tree Staking Straps
To keep the young trees in place, tight staking can prevent internal adjustment to wind loading. Be sure to allow for a loose enough tie that the tree can move with the wind. Keep ties in place for a few growing seasons to allow for well-established root system as every year you loosen the slack until after 5-7 years, you eventually remove all supports.
Tree Pruning Before a Storm
By using proper pruning techniques, cut the branches before they become larger than one inch in diameter. Pests will likely attack the main stem if poor pruning damages it. Efficient pruning minimizes a number of structural problems that occur with the help from the new wood growth around a pruned branch.
Proper Watering & Application of Fertilizer
When appropriately watered and fertilized, trees can be as healthy as possible. They are more wind firm and the trees can react more effectively to the quick changes in the environment when they are healthy. You can make trees more susceptible to storm damage if you over-fertilize with nitrogen or over-water the soil as it can increase the crown surface area and/or decrease the rooting area.
Trimming Uneven Tree Crowns
The branches may need to be pruned to make the crown more symmetrical. However, if a mature tree has more than 70% of the crown on one side, you may need to consider removing the tree entirely. Cabling and bracing branches are a last ditch effort if you must save a tree.
Encourage Trees to Grow Taller
Remove any branches with tight or narrow crotches. Make certain trees are growing upright and with one main stem and prune away any competitor branches that are gaining height on the main stem.
Tree Cabling & Bracing
You can promote wind firmness by not overcrowding along with proper cabling and bracing. Moving with wind requires a tree to have flexibility. Avoid overly tight cables. Be sure to remove them slowly over the years to help the trees develop wind firmness.
Pre Storm Inspection & Tree Debris Clean Up Services in Sylvania, Metter, Statesboro & Millen, GA | Bulloch, Screven, Candler & Jenkins Counties, Georgia
To help you with preventative measures and reduce the risk of storm tree damage, call A Plus Tree Service and let our expertise and quality pre storm safety tree inspections and tree debris clean up services preserve and protect your trees.